Difficoltà: *
Tempo di preparazione: 25’
Ingredienti per due persone:
3 petti di pollo
1 cipolla rossa
1 spicchio di aglio
3 cucchiai di zucchero
3 peperoncini rossi
120 ml aceto bianco
Tagliate a fettine la cipolla, alcuni pezzi lasciateli leggermente più grandi così si otterrà una crema in cui alcuni pezzi rimarranno più grandi.
Tagliate a cubetti l’aglio e aggiungete il tutto in un tegame con l’aceto, i peperoncini e lo zucchero.
Tagliate a fettine i petti di pollo e passateli in padella antiaderente senza olio.
Non portate avanti una cottura troppo lunga altrimenti rischiate di avere un petto di pollo stoppaccioso.
------ENGLISH VERION--------
Chicken with onion jam.
Ingredients for two
3 chicken breasts
1 red onion
1 clove of garlic
3 T spoon of sugar (Tablespoon)
3 chillies
250 ml white vinegar
Slice the onion finely making some slices bigger than others.
Cube the garlic and put the chepped onion and garlic into a saucepan together with the sugar, vinegar, chillies.
Cook at a moderate heat or flame for 20’. Everything will densify and become gelatinous (the bigger pieces of onion will became crispy)
Cut the chicken breasts into thin slices and cook them without oil in a non-stick frying-pan.
Take care not to over-cook.
Add the gelatinous sauce and serve.
Ingredients for two
3 chicken breasts
1 red onion
1 clove of garlic
3 T spoon of sugar (Tablespoon)
3 chillies
250 ml white vinegar
Slice the onion finely making some slices bigger than others.
Cube the garlic and put the chepped onion and garlic into a saucepan together with the sugar, vinegar, chillies.
Cook at a moderate heat or flame for 20’. Everything will densify and become gelatinous (the bigger pieces of onion will became crispy)
Cut the chicken breasts into thin slices and cook them without oil in a non-stick frying-pan.
Take care not to over-cook.
Add the gelatinous sauce and serve.
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